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[欧美] 心碎的灵魂:阿黛尔Adele-《19》(个人首张专辑)(扩充版)2CD[FLAC+CUE]

发表于 2018-9-19 17:55:39 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式

【專輯名稱】十九歲(英國金榜冠軍LIVE升級盤2CD)19 (Expanded Edition)
【藝人團體】愛黛兒 Adele
【發行公司】XL Recordings
The Raconteurs翻唱新曲〈Many Shades Of Black〉
+ 北美巡迴現場影片
OMM★★★★★、AMG★★★★☆、The Times★★★★強力推薦

當艾美懷絲脫序演出鬧得滿城風雨,一個年僅19歲的靈魂女聲Adele悄悄竄起,在BBC與披頭四成員保羅麥卡尼、碧玉同台演出,爆發力超齡嗓音被傳媒冠上「新艾美懷絲」封號!這張奪得英國金榜No.1的冠軍專輯《19》,由Jim Abbiss(北極潑猴、百憂解)和Eg White(凱莉米洛、娜塔莉)名將打造,Adele拾起了最扣人心弦的元素:愛情,訴說著一段段令人心碎的故事,伴隨空心吉他傾吐情殤往事的〈Daydreamer〉,音樂盒般精靈Keyboard音色繚繞的〈First Love〉,寂寥鋼琴敲擊出漩渦般感染力的〈Hometown Glory〉,和煦傷感直襲心靈深處的〈Chasing Pavements〉,翻玩巴布狄倫名曲〈Make You Feel My Love〉,還有邀請全英音樂獎最佳男歌手Mark Ronson(莉莉艾倫、艾美懷絲)助陣華麗放克舞曲〈Cold Shoulder〉…

歷經2008年馬不停蹄的巡迴演出,Adele不僅在英國取得超高人氣,更進軍美國直衝告示牌Top 11/鄉村榜單曲冠軍;然而,《19》全球銷售破百萬的佳績並未讓她迷失方向,反而她選擇沉澱,拾起純粹的原音吉他,於舊金山The Hotel Café錄製了9首LIVE演唱,匯整出《英國金榜冠軍LIVE升級盤2CD》。雙碟私藏北美巡迴現場影片,收錄〈Chasing Pavements〉、〈Make You Feel My Love〉,以及〈Daydreamer〉、〈Melt My Heart to Stone〉等直襲靈魂深處的LIVE佳作,並獻出一首翻唱自The Racontuers的新歌〈Many Shades Of Black〉,詮釋獨樹一格的苦情心碎。現在,嚥下Adele黑色的傷心,停駐煙霧瀰漫的酒館,聆聽她最直接的LIVE靈魂!

Import only enhanced two CD 'deluxe edition' of the British vocalist's 2008 debut album includes a bonus disc with 10 live tracks recorded at the Hotel Café in Los Angeles including 'Chasing Pavements', 'Melt My Heart To Stone', 'That's It, I Quit, I'm Movin' On' and 'Many Shades Of Black' performed by Adele and The Racontuers. Also included is an nine minute enhanced section that features behind the scenes footage. 19 is the debut album from the singer/songwriter. Citing her influences as diverse as Etta James, Jill Scott, Bjork, Dusty Springfield, Billy Bragg, Billie Holiday, Jeff Buckley, The Cure and Peggy Lee, Adele is a truly unique new artist. With her mix up of R&B and Soul served up with a healthy dash of feisty London attitude, she spins beautiful dark stories of loves won and lost and sometimes just daydreamed about. XL.

Disc: 1
1. Daydreamer
2. Best For Last
3. Chasing Pavements
4. Cold Shoulder
5. Crazy For You
6. Melt My Heart To Stone
7. First Love
8. Right As Rain
9. Make You Feel My Love
10. My Same
11. Tired
12. Hometown Glory

Disc: 2 (Bonus Disc)
1. Chasing Pavements (Live At Hotel Cafe)
2. Melt My Heart To Stone (Live At Hotel Cafe)
3. That's It, I Quit, I'm Movin On (Live At Hotel Cafe)
4. Crazy For You (Live At Hotel Cafe)
5. Right As Rain (Live At Hotel Cafe)
6. My Same (Live At Hotel Cafe)
7. Make You Feel My Love (Live At Hotel Cafe)
8. Daydreamer (Live At Hotel Cafe)
9. Hometown Glory (Live At Hotel Cafe)
10. Many Shades Of Black (Performed by The Raconteurs and Adele)

下载地址:Adele(阿黛尔)-《19》(Deluxe Edittion)[FLAC+CUE].rar: https://qiannianhupo.ctfile.com/fs/yPs176150988

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